Planned Giving

Olive with a carving

Join The Olive Dame Campbell Giving Society

The Olive Dame Campbell Giving Society was established to honor those following in the footsteps of Olive Dame Campbell and the original Brasstown founders by leaving a legacy for the Folk School. Planned estate gifts ensure the school can continue to inspire creativity, nurture community, and care for the land well into the future. Individuals will be welcomed as Society members when they inform us that they have remembered the Folk School with a bequest or other planned gift. There are many ways to make a planned gift, knowing any amount will make a difference. 

How to provide for the Folk School in your will: 

  • A specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate 
  • Securities you choose or other property such as real estate 
  • Proceeds from a life insurance policy 
  • A residuary bequest of all or a part of your estate that remains after the payment of specific bequests to others

You may want to share the following wording with your attorney for inclusion in your will or trust: 

“I give the sum of $____ (or ___ % of my estate, or ___ shares of X corporation) to John C. Campbell Folk School, One Folk School Road, Brasstown, NC 28902 to be used for its general purposes.” 

For more information on planned giving, please contact Barbie White, Development Manager at or 828-837-2775 x 139. 

Locate & Contact

Please contact Development for more information.

John C. Campbell Folk School

Development Office

Barbie White, Development Manager

1.800.FOLK.SCH (365-5724) x 139

Mailing Address
One Folk School Road
Brasstown, NC 28902

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