Commemorating the Clay Spencer Blacksmith Shop, the Folk School has a “buy-a-beam” option. We invite you to become part of our renowned blacksmithing program by purchasing one of the 258 beams in this spectacular building for $1,000 each. In doing this, you’ll help support the future of blacksmithing in America. The Timber Framers Guild created a 3-D map of the design which helps donors locate their beam within the building. If you are interested in purchasing a beam or would like more information, please email Barbie White, Development Manager, using the form below or give us a call.
The Folk School’s endowment is designed to help sustain and improve the school for current and future generations of students. The fund has two main investment goals: to maintain the long-term purchasing power of the fund’s principal and to provide a meaningful and stable flow of funds to the annual operating budget. Supporters interested in making a major gift to the Folk School may consider designating the gift to help grow our endowment.
People occasionally offer physical items they think might benefit the Folk School. If you have something you think we could use, call or email Barbie White, Development Manager, by using the contact form below. We’ll ask the Studio Coordinator or Creative Program Advisor of the appropriate program area if it would be beneficial and if so, you can bring it to the school.
Many companies will match the contributions of employees and former employees. Check with the human resources department at your company to find out if there is a matching gift program and, if so, let us know.
You can honor someone living or memorialize someone who’s passed away by donating in their name. We’ll let an honoree know that you’ve provided a tribute to them, and when you provide a memorial gift, we’ll inform the person’s family that you’ve remembered their loved one in this way. Simply write “In honor of” or “In memory of” on the Memo/For line on your check or let us know by writing a comment with your online donation.
For decades, the Folk School has offered a robust music and dance class program. Students here learn to play various instruments, sing, dance, and call dances. We also present year-round concerts and dances steeped in traditional Appalachian culture as part of our regular programming.
The Folk School’s endowed Music and Dance Fund is designed to provide support for initiatives going “above and beyond” that ongoing class, concert, and dance programming. Proponents of music and dance can donate to this invested fund, annual earnings from which will be used to help with efforts such as community engagement with master artists, educational outreach, and special events.
Designate a recurring, set amount you’d like to donate using your debit or credit card.
If you itemize your taxes, gifts of appreciated stock may allow you to support the Folk School while helping to lower your capital gains tax. Even if you don’t itemize your taxes, stock gifts may be a good way to support the school without diminishing your liquid cash, and you still avoid the tax on the appreciated value of the stock. Consult your financial advisor to determine what’s right for you.
If you would like to make a gift of appreciated stock to the Folk School, please contact us to obtain the information your broker will need to make the transfer. We ask that you let us know in advance anytime you plan to donate stock so we may appropriately process and acknowledge your gift. Email Barbie White, Development Manager, for more information using the form below or give us a call.
Please contact Development for more information.
1.800.FOLK.SCH (365-5724) x 139
Mailing Address
One Folk School Road
Brasstown, NC 28902