For almost a century, the Folk School has worked to bring people together for experiences in learning and community life that spark self-discovery. When you financially support the Folk School and contribute to our Folk School Fund, you are supporting our work in helping make the world a more caring and creative place. Tangibly, that means supporting all parts of our campus by maintaining and equipping studios and historic buildings, enhancing our archive collections, supporting traditional Appalachian music and dance, and ensuring our outdoor spaces remain optimal for students and visitors alike. Your support of the Folk School Fund ensures that our community will be sustainable for the next one hundred years.
Help strengthen the Folk School by donating to our Annual Fund. We’ll use your gift where it’s most needed.
Support for specific studio needs that helps make everyone’s experience even better.
Join the Olive Dame Campbell Giving Society by including the Folk School in your estate plans.
Help those who would otherwise be unable to attend have meaningful learning experiences.
Including stock transfers, matching gifts, and numerous other ways to support your beloved Folk School.
Our recent Annual Reports are available here, on our website. We publish them here in grateful recognition of our generous supporters and to share our audited financial performance as a non-profit organization. The Folk School transforms lives, bringing people together in a nurturing environment for experiences in learning and community life that spark self-discovery. This mission is made possible by our students, community members, instructors, resident artists, studio assistants, performers, volunteers, staff and board – together, we are the Folk School.
Please contact Development for more information.
1.800.FOLK.SCH (365-5724) x 139
Mailing Address
One Folk School Road
Brasstown, NC 28902