Hear from Terra Ciotta, Our Executive Chef!

It’s been a year since Terra Ciotta moved into the position of Executive Chef and based on the reviews we hear from students every week, we think it’s going pretty well! We interviewed Terra as she was settling in last year and decided to catch up with her again to hear about the latest and greatest coming from the kitchen.

From staff development to garden goodies, hear what she has to say about everything happening behind the scenes of the Olive Dame Campbell Dining Hall.

TC: Great! And busy! We’ve had a lot going on over the past year and have made some big improvements in our space and our crew. I spent the first few months focusing on stability, making sure the right people were in the right place and had the right support. Every member of the staff comes with a different level of experience so it’s important to pay attention to those details.

JCCFS: Last year, you said that you wanted the kitchen to be a place where people are trained, where they gain skills and experience they can later elevate.

TC: Exactly. And that’s what we’re doing. I knew we weren’t going to get far into this conversation before I started bragging on the staff. It’s been fun and inspiring to watch their growth over the past year.

JCCFS: What are some things that come to mind?

TC: How long do we have? I’ll start with Dylan McAllister, our crew chief. He is thoughtful, reliable, and committed. He communicates well and makes good decisions, and his management skills are constantly developing. Sequoyah Lyvers is a prep cook and was also one of my students at Tri-County Community College. He is turning into such a competent and confident young man. I can give him the keys and he can close. Joey Keener keeps the dishes going and is starting to pick up some prep work on the side. He is becoming more and more engaged with his coworkers every day.

JCCFS: It sounds like you’re building a really good crew.

TC: We are. Austin Bowling is relatively new and is one of the most thoughtful dishwashers I’ve ever met. He’s very particular about his work and he tells me when something needs attention. I’m so happy to have him on staff. Josh Harris is our most recent hire on the evening shift and along with being a soft soul with a sharp mind, he really wants to make good food. He can step in and lead when needed.

JCCFS: You’re obviously invested in their personal and professional development.

TC: Absolutely. These folks have important jobs and I want to make sure we are doing everything we can to provide guidance, encouragement, and opportunities. When Cindy Harmon came in, she had to learn a completely new system. Now, she sees problems before they’re problems and jumps on tasks to make sure everything is ready on time. She cares about everyone having a good experience. And Millie Stewart, who was also one of my students at Tri-County, is not only helping us serve some tasty Folk School Cookbook recipes (shout-out to the oat rolls!), she’s also expanding our reach. If you pick up some granola in the Craft Shop, that’s Millie.

Staff Preparing Breakfast

Dylan McAllister

Joey Keener

Jason working in the Garden

Work Studies in the Garden

JCCFS: And you’re still working closely with our gardener, Jason Ebinger, right?

TC: I have to give major kudos to Jason, the work study students, and everything that comes from the garden. Last year, we successfully utilized 90% of the produce that made it to the kitchen. Jason tells me what’s coming in seasonally and is trying to work through my wish list. When the work study students can’t work outside due to weather, they help us process our food. It’s a major help with our food cost.

JCCFS: Are you hoping to preserve some of the produce you aren’t immediately able to use?

TC: Yes! Let me tell you about the new freezer. It’s a huge help. It’s also so cold that I keep my winter coat hanging outside. That’s a good thing! Once we get into harvest, we’ll be able to process and freeze fresh produce and maintain its quality. That means we can pull out something from the garden even during the winter.

JCCFS: That’s so exciting! From our perspective, you and your staff have really enjoyed mixing up the menu. What kind of feedback are you receiving?

TC: We’re pushing tastebuds a little and I think it’s working. Spanish day, which means garlic shrimp, tomato bread, and cauliflower with almonds and olives is always well-received. We’re also hearing a lot of good things about the Peruvian chicken. Playing with different cuisines is a lot of fun and we focus on fresh produce as often as we can.

JCCFS: What are your hopes moving forward?

TC: We’re getting into a good flow and I’m really encouraging everyone to take a class. It can be hard to do that with our schedules, but everyone knows they can depend on each other. The class is a break that they need and deserve. It also gives them insight into the student experience and the opportunity to explore something new. They might pick up a new hobby or learn something for the sake of learning.

JCCFS: What else do you want folks to know?

TC: Everything that’s going well is directly related to the people who are doing it. I have a really talented staff.

JCCFS: You’ve also said that the dining hall is the heart of the Folk School because it works without the rest of us thinking about how it works. It’s also the place where everyone gathers every day. That’s a different way of being the heart.

TC: It is, and it’s just getting better. I’ve been here a year and recognize so many more faces. I spend a lot of time hugging people. I love that about this place.

We would like to share a special note of appreciation for Don Shomaker, who is wrapping up his time at the Folk School. For three years, Don has done an incredible job of engaging with students while keeping things in top-top shape. In Chef Terra’s own words, “He really likes taking care of people.” We’ll miss you, Don! Thanks for the smiles.

Work Studies in the Garden

Dining Hall at Lunch

Crafting a meal for over 100 people three times a day is no small feat, but Terra, her crew, and the hosts have us covered! It’s amazing to see how our team works together to prep, cook, and serve delicious family-style meals. We love our Dining Hall crew!

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