Beadwork Classes

Transform beads into beautiful fashion accessories such as pendants, bracelets, pins, neckpieces, and miniature tapestries in our bead weaving and bead embroidery classes.

Explore The Studio

Weaving Studio in the Louise Pitman Fiber Arts Building

The Weaving Studio has a spacious, well-lit home in a part of the Pitman Fiber Arts Building. Numerous looms, warping boards, a yarn closet, a well-stocked supply closet, washing machine and dryer, and a reading library provide the perfect environment most weavers never want to leave. Occasionally, other types of classes will be assigned to this space when there’s no weaving class, especially ones that benefit from the large expanse of tables and workspace in the front of the studio.

News & Stories: What's Happening in Beadworking


Bead Woven Jewelry Ensemble with Toni Iacoboni

Vivian (Toni) Iacoboni  is coming...


Welcome to Our New Website

Our new website is here!...

Allie Dudley headshot

Weaving, Rugs, Needlework & Thread Art, Lace, Beading, Quilting, Sewing, Basketry, Brooms, Chair Seats, Gourds, Leather Coordinator

Allie Dudley

Allie is a textile artist working primarily in weaving and stitching. After completing a degree in Cinema & Media Studies at the University of Chicago, they turned towards textiles, taking a historical angle, and focusing on traditional tapestries, Appalachian coverlets, and antique stitching samplers. Allie’s weavings have been included in international shows, including the Irene Davies Emerging Artist Award Finalist Exhibition at the Australian Tapestry Workshop, and they are a member of the South Arts 2021 Emerging Traditional Artists Program cohort. Allie now lives in Brasstown with their goats.

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