08 Jun Coming Together: COVID-19 Folklife Resources
While we continue to monitor COVID-19 updates, we have been overwhelmed by the number of resources providing assistance to folklife organizations, artists, and storytellers. We have compiled this list of COVID-19 folklife resources here so that others can continue to share their stories, crafts, and rich cultural heritage during this time. We encourage you to share this list on your websites and personal pages. If you know of other resources or ways to give back locally, please leave a comment below, and we’ll add them to the list. If you have any additional folklife questions, contact our Programs Director Darcy Holdorf here.
You can also view our Artist Resources blog here if you’d like to learn more about grant opportunities, resources, and ways to give back to the arts community at large.
Folklife Resource List
Society of American Archivists
The Archival Workers Emergency Fund is offering financial assistance for archival workers experiencing unanticipated financial hardship due to COVID-19. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2021. For more information and a link to apply, click here.
Folk Arts in Education: A Resource Handbook II:
The Folk Arts in Education: A Resource Handbook II is an online resource to educators that examines the state of folklife and folk arts in education around the United States. If you’d like to download a virtual copy and read more, click here.
Oral History Society
The Oral History Society published an advice guide on how to conduct remote oral history interviewing during COVID-19. To learn more, visit this link.
The Center for Folklore Studies at The Ohio State University
The Center for Folklore Studies has created a COVID-19 resource list for folklorists. To learn more, click here.
American Folklore Society
The American Folklore Society has created a COVID-19 resources list. Signed in members are encouraged to share their resources or suggestions to add to the page. For more information, click here.
American Craft Council
American Craft Council has a list of resources available for artists. Click here to find more information.
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