09 Apr Learn the ins and outs of Crocheting an Afghan with Sue Beevers

Amazing Quilting artist and Instructor Sue Beevers is coming to teach “Jody’s Afghan” at the Folk School on June 9-15, 2024. Sue has been featured in multiple publications for her unique weaving style and we are excited to have her come to Brasstown!
Read more about Sue and her class in our interview below!Ready to dive in and learn the ins and outs of Jody’s Afghan. Sign up and collaborate with classmates to learn how to create a stunning Afghan piece! There are still a few spots available–register today!
Notice: This Class Has Passed. Please check out our other Knitting & Crocheting classes.
JCCFS: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background in your medium. How did you get started?
SB: I have been involved in fibers since I was a child. I learned to crochet and knit as a very young child: all my teddy bears had hats and scarves and vests. By the time I was in Junior High, I was designing all my knitting and crochet projects: sweaters, Afghans, hats, scarves and mittens. I also learned to tat, and I suspect my relatives got a bit tired of receiving doilies as presents.
I learned to spin and weave when I first got out of college and became fully immersed. I have a CoE in Handweaving from the Handweavers Guild of America and have been an adjucator for the CoE in Spinning. I have written numerous articles for Weavers, Prairie Wool Companion, Handwoven, and Spin Off, and my work appears in many books. I have also traveled and lectured extensively and have presented lectures at Convergence. I have also been involved in Complex Weavers. I own a 24-shaft computer-interfaced loom, and a 20-shaft dobby drawloom with 500 single-unit pulls.
I “discovered” quilting in 1980, and instantly became immersed. I have taught and lectured about various aspects of quilting all over the country and have written 2 books: “Off the Shelf Fabric Painting”, and “Dancing Dragonfly Quilts.”
As deeply involved as I have been in spinning, weaving, and quilting, I have never stopped Painting (I have been in several one-man exhibits) and designing Knitting and Crochet patterns. Whenever I teach these subjects, my emphasis is on teaching participants how to modify a design to meet their interests.
JCCFS: Tell us more about your upcoming class” Jody’s Afghan” and it’s specific technique or process.
SB: this week-long class has been developed with advanced beginners and intermediate crocheters in mind. Although the blocks look complicated, they are easy to make. This is my favorite part: showing a student that they can make a block that at first glance appears difficult. Students will have a choice of 4 different octagonal block designs: they can pick one, or all 4. I will show them how the color order affects the appearance of the block: changing the color order can make each block look very different from the other. I will also show students 4 different small square blocks, which are necessary for sewing the blocks into an Afghan. I also help students choose yarn colors to make a cohesive Afghan. Finally, students will learn how to easily sew blocks together, and how to create a border for their Afghan.

Finished Afghan

Sue Beevers’ Painting Whole Cloth Quilts class
JCCFS: What can students expect to leave your class with?
SB: This is a fun class. Students will have the opportunity to chat and interact with each other. I work with each student on an individual basis and encourage everyone to share their ideas. Although students probably won’t complete an entire Afghan, students will leave the class confident in their crocheting skills, and their ability to make an Afghan. In my experience, students love the class, and will happily spend extra time working on the Afghan.
JCCFS: What do you enjoy most about teaching?
SB: Sharing information about a specific topic, and watching students explore the topic, and then combine it with their own experience is wonderful. My hope is always that they will share what they have learner with others. It’s the best way for crafts to last through the generations.
JCCFS: What is your favorite aspect or part of the Folk School? What do you most look forward to when coming back to teach on our campus?
SB: I find that everyone that you meet at the Folk School is interesting, and creative. My favorite part is the meals. Each time, I try to sit at a different table, and meet new people. All you have to do is say “what class are your taking”, and a wonderfully fascinating conversation ensues.
JCCFS: Where do you draw inspiration from for your work?
SB: My work is all about the link between the natural world and my life. My favorite thing to do is to walk in our woods, listen to the birds, and draw the wildflowers. My quilts are often about the experience of watching plants grow and multiply and survive – even when they’re weeds in the garden.
JCCFS: What’s one piece or craft object you’ve made recently that you are proud of, and why?
SB: A collage that I have made, called “Weaving Life” is one of my favorite pieces. It’s about making a basket: Sometimes, life seems to be an overwhelming group of obligations and creative desires. But if you work with everything, and weave them together, eventually it is possible to create a cohesive experience. In the case of this picture, it’s weaving a basket.
JCCFS: What tips would you give a student or aspiring craftsperson? Anything you wish you had known earlier in your career?
SB: Follow your interests. Listen to other people who have your interests and learn from them. Most importantly, learn that there is room in this world for more than one wonderful person! Creativity is all about sharing the knowledge and admiring other creative people and their work.
JCCFS: Where can folks find you if they want to stay up to date on your work?
SB: I will admit that I’m a bit sporadic with social media. But I am always available via email (suebeeversquilt@gmail.com), and I’m always available to teach and conference workshops. My website is: suebeevers.com

Upcoming Class with Sue
Jody’s Afghan
Explore four simple but impressive octagonal block designs. Choose yarns in a unique and personal color combination, then use detailed instructions to manipulate your yarn to create a myriad of blocks. Learn the skills to turn your octagons into a full afghan, including sewing the blocks together and crocheting a boarder. Together the pieces combine to make lasting treasure. Previous crochet experience required.
Notice: This Class Has Passed. Please check out our other Knitting & Crocheting classes.

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