14 Dec Fall 2023 Appeal Goal Reached

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who generously donated to the Folk School during our Fall Appeal! We surpassed our goal and raised more than $50,000. We can’t express enough how thankful we are for your contributions and the projects you made possible, many of which are detailed below. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about what we’ve been working on this year.
It takes a lot to be your Folk School, and we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for helping us preserve our history, support our community, and move forward into the future. Stay tuned for updates on what we’ll be working towards in 2024!
Every donation makes a difference. If you missed our Fall Appeal, it’s not too late. There’s still time to give a one-time or recurring gift on our website at folkschool.org/giving.
Warm wishes for a happy holiday season,
Mackenzie Harkins, Development and Fundraising Supervisor
Barbie White, Development Manager
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