14 Aug Support the Folk School During Our Summer Appeal
The John C. Campbell Folk School has been a cornerstone of Appalachian culture for nearly a century. Our school is dedicated to furthering traditional crafts, music, nature studies, and storytelling, while fostering a unique learning environment among locals, students and instructors.
But preserving this history and culture is not easy. It requires dedication, hard work, and resources. That’s why we are asking for your help.
In this video spotlighting our new fundraising initiatives, Folk School staff members, instructors, and students share how your support is integral to helping us provide enlivening and enlightening experiences for all.
Our new Fund-A-Need website makes it easier than ever to make a one-time or recurring donation to our annual fund, program areas, scholarships, or specific items. By donating, you become an enduring part of the Folk School and ensure a better experience for yourself and other learners.
Help us fulfill our mission and continue to make the Folk School a special place for folks from all over the world. Consider donating to the Folk School today.
Support the Folk School Today
By donating to our Fund-A-Need program, you help the Folk School fulfill its mission of bringing people together for experiences in learning and community life that spark self-discovery. Donation options include our annual fund, our program areas, scholarships, or specific items. We have a variety of specific needs, from painting easels and woodcarving workbenches to cooking studio shelves and golf carts.
You can browse your favorite studio/program area or check out projects and upgrades around campus at the right gift level for you. By donating, you become an enduring part of the Folk School and ensure a better experience for yourself and other learners.
Consider donating to the Folk School using the button below or call us at 1-800-FOLK-SCH (1-800-365-5724)

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