26 Apr Cannon County Basket Tradition with Sue Williams
Sue Williams is recognized for the preservation of the Cannon County white oak basket making tradition, one of the most renowned basket making traditions in the United States. Sue’s commitment to education, advocacy, and teaching the tradition has secured a future for the this style beyond the original basket making families of Cannon County, Tennessee. We are delighted to have Sue teach the Cannon County white oak basket style regularly at the Folk School. Sue will be joining us for a virtual discussion this Monday April 27 as part of our Appalachian Traditions discussion.
White Oak Egg Basket by Sue Williams
Check out this wonderful documentary by the TN Arts Commission about Sue, who was one of only nine recipients in 2019 of their inaugural In These Mountains: Folk & Traditional Arts Master Artist Fellowships, a program of South Arts designed to highlight and support exemplary traditional bearers from the Appalachian region of Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Carolina.

Video courtesy of Tennessee Arts Commission.

About the Cannon County Style
Students work on their basket projects in Sue’s class at the Folk School.
Appalachian Traditions Virtual Discussion
Sue Williams, TN, Basketry
Pepper Cory, NC, Quilting
Penny Prichard, NC, Quilting
This free, hour-long conversation provides a space for instructors in traditional craft to share their personal stories and discuss their creative process. We’ll explore the historic role of craft in Appalachia, examine its continued relevance today, and learn how practitioners are working to promote their craft and inspire the next generation of traditional makers.
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