06 Jan A New Book and Paper Arts Studio
We are excited to announce plans for the addition of a new Book and Paper Arts Studio to the Folk School campus. The new studio space increases the Book and Paper Arts curriculum to 60 classes each year. We will also be able to offer a wider variety of classes expanding to include letterpress. Read the press release below for more info:
There has been a renaissance in Book and Paper Arts over the past 30 years. Students from across the country have come to the Folk School to study in five disciplines—book making and repair, printmaking, marbling, calligraphy, and paper art in its many forms (making, folding, cutting, quilling, and sculpting). During this time, we have established an inspiring and energizing community of paper artists. This program has become one of our premier study areas—offering 44 classes to over 200 students; however, due to limited space, the program is unable to expand any further. To rectify this situation, the Folk School is planning to build a new Book & Paper Arts Studio as soon as the funding is complete.
The Folk School has worked with Paper and Book Art instructors, our resident artist, and other experts in the field to formalize the best plan for this new structure. The studio will be built in the field next to the Painting Studio. It will be approximately 2,800 square feet, and will have an additional 850 square feet of outside workspace. With this studio we will be able to offer 60 classes each year and substantially increase enrollment in this important area. This studio will improve these popular offerings and allow the School to begin offering letterpress classes in printmaking.
To make a contribution to this new studio, please contact our Development Manager, Reed Caldwell, at 1-800-FOLK-SCH or email Reed directly.
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