18 Jul A New Era
Today, we opened the new Clay Spencer Blacksmith Shop. After a week of moving some of the tools and tables and things from the the old Francis Whitaker shop, we are ready to teach classes again, and welcome instructor Judy Berger, her son David, and the students of Intergenerational Week.
We had a small but hardworking group of folks here over the last week to make the switch, and got a tremendous amount of work done. There was a lot of cleaning, welding, lifting, toting, fitting, grinding, painting, etc, to get it all ready to go and make it appear as though it was a seamless transition.
I am most exited about the new layout. We not only have more space, but it is so much better arranged with safety and efficiency in mind. All of the bigger pieces of equipment are centrally located with easy access. There are new work tables, and a much better organised tool room, as well as handier storage.
We still have the same number of student forges, twelve in all, and the instructor’s forge now has two fire pots to accommodate the assistant as well.
We look forward to many years of classes here. Check out our schedule, and come take a class. Whether you are a beginner, have done it before, or have been waiting for the new shop to open, now is the time. We have something for just about everyone.
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